Package 'palaeoverse'

Title: Prepare and Explore Data for Palaeobiological Analyses
Description: Provides functionality to support data preparation and exploration for palaeobiological analyses, improving code reproducibility and accessibility. The wider aim of 'palaeoverse' is to bring the palaeobiological community together to establish agreed standards. The package currently includes functionality for data cleaning, binning (time and space), exploration, summarisation and visualisation. Reference datasets (i.e. Geological Time Scales <>) and auxiliary functions are also provided. Details can be found in: Jones et al., (2023) <doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.14099>.
Authors: Lewis A. Jones [aut, cre] , William Gearty [aut] , Bethany J. Allen [aut] , Kilian Eichenseer [aut] , Christopher D. Dean [aut] , Sofia Galvan [ctb] , Miranta Kouvari [ctb] , Pedro L. Godoy [ctb] , Cecily Nicholl [ctb] , Lucas Buffan [ctb] , Erin M. Dillon [ctb] , Joseph T. Flannery-Sutherland [aut] , A. Alessandro Chiarenza [ctb]
Maintainer: Lewis A. Jones <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.4.0
Built: 2025-01-21 05:26:58 UTC

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Add an axis with a geological timescale


axis_geo behaves similarly to axis in that it adds an axis to the specified side of a base R plot. The main difference is that it also adds a geological timescale between the plot and the axis. The default scale includes international epochs from the the Geological Timescale 2020 (GTS2020). However, international stages, periods, eras, and eons are also available. Interval data hosted by Macrostrat are also available (see time_bins). A custom interval dataset can also be used (see Details below). The appearance of the axis is highly customisable (see Usage below), with the intent that plots will be publication-ready.


  side = 1,
  intervals = "epoch",
  height = 0.05,
  fill = NULL,
  lab = TRUE,
  lab_col = NULL,
  lab_size = 1,
  rot = 0,
  abbr = TRUE,
  center_end_labels = TRUE,
  skip = c("Quaternary", "Holocene", "Late Pleistocene"),
  bord_col = "black",
  lty = par("lty"),
  lwd = par("lwd"),
  bkgd = "grey90",
  neg = FALSE,
  exact = FALSE,
  round = FALSE,
  tick_at = NULL,
  tick_labels = TRUE,
  phylo = FALSE,
  root.time = NULL,




integer. Which side to add the axis to (1: bottom, the default; 2: left; 3: top; 4: right).


The interval information to use to plot the axis: either A) a character string indicating a rank of intervals from the built-in GTS2020, B) a character string indicating a data.frame hosted by Macrostrat (see time_bins), or C) a custom data.frame of time interval boundaries (see Details). A list of strings or data.frames can be supplied to add multiple time scales to the same side of the plot (see Details).


numeric. The relative height (or width if side is 2 or 4) of the scale. This is relative to the height (if side is 1 or 3) or width (if side is 2 or 4) of the plot.


character. The fill colour of the boxes. The default is to use the colour or color column included in intervals. If a custom dataset is provided with intervals without a colour or color column and without specifying fill, a greyscale will be used. Custom fill colours can be provided with this option (overriding the colour or color column) and will be recycled if/as necessary.


logical. Should interval labels be included?


character. The colour of the labels. The default is to use the font or lab_color column included in intervals. If a custom dataset is provided with intervals without a font or lab_color column and without specifying lab_col, all labels will be black. Custom label colours can be provided with this option (overriding the font or lab_color column) and will be recycled if/as necessary.


numeric. The size of the labels (see cex in graphics parameters).


numeric. The amount of counter-clockwise rotation to add to the labels (in degrees). Note, labels for axes added to the left or right sides are already rotated 90 degrees.


logical. Should labels be abbreviated? This only works if the data has an abbr column, otherwise the name column will be used regardless of this setting.


logical. Should labels be centered within the visible range of intervals at the ends of the axis?


A character vector of interval names indicating which intervals should not be labeled. If abbr is TRUE, this can also include interval abbreviations. Quaternary, Holocene, and Late Pleistocene are skipped by default. Set to NULL if this is not desired.


character. The border colour of the interval boxes.


character. Line type (see lty in graphics parameters). This value (or the last value if this is a list) will also be passed to axis.


numeric. Line width (see lwd in graphics parameters).


character. The colour of the background of the scale when no intervals are being shown.


logical. Set this to TRUE if your x-axis is using negative values. If the entire axis is already negative, this will be set to TRUE for you.


logical. Set this to TRUE if you want axis tick marks and numeric tick labels placed at the interval boundaries. If TRUE, this overrides tick_at and tick_labels.


integer. Number of decimal places to which exact axis labels should be rounded (using round). If no value is specified, the exact values will be used. Trailing zeros are always removed. tick_at and tick_labels can be used to include labels with trailing zeros.


A numeric vector specifying custom points at which tick marks are to be drawn on the axis. If specified, this is passed directly to axis. If phylo is TRUE, these values are converted as necessary for the phylogenetic axis limits. If this is set to NULL (the default) tick mark locations are computed automatically (see axTicks).


Either a) a logical value specifying whether (numerical) annotations should be made at the tick marks specified by tick_at, or b) a custom character or expression vector of labels to be placed at the tick marks. If tick_at is specified, this argument is passed directly to axis.


logical. Is the base plot a phylogeny generated by plot.phylo, plotTree, plotSimmap, etc?


numeric. If phylo is TRUE, this is the time assigned to the root node of the tree. By default, this is taken from the root.time element of the plotted tree.


Further arguments that are passed directly to axis.


If a custom data.frame is provided (with intervals), it should consist of at least 3 columns of data. See GTS2020 for an example.

  • The interval_name column (name is also allowed) lists the names of each time interval. These will be used as labels if no abbreviations are provided.

  • The max_ma column (max_age is also allowed) lists the oldest boundary of each time interval. Values should always be positive.

  • The min_ma column (min_age is also allowed) lists the youngest boundary of each time interval. Values should always be positive.

  • The abbr column is optional and lists abbreviations that may be used as labels.

  • The colour column (color is also allowed) is also optional and lists a colour for the background for each time interval (see the Color Specification section here).

  • The font (lab_color is also allowed) column is also optional and lists a colour for the label for each time interval (see the Color Specification section here).

intervals may also be a list if multiple time scales should be added to a single side of the plot. In this case, height, fill, lab, lab_col, lab_size, rot, abbr, center_end_labels, skip, bord_col, lty, and lwd can also be lists. If these lists are not as long as intervals, the elements will be recycled. If individual values (or vectors, e.g. for skip) are used for these parameters, they will be applied to all time scales (and recycled as necessary). If multiple scales are requested they will be added sequentially outwards starting from the plot border. The axis will always be placed on the outside of the last scale.

If you would like to use intervals from the Geological Time Scale 2012 (GTS2012), you can use time_bins and supply the returned data.frame to the intervals argument.

axis_geo_phylo(...) is shorthand for axis_geo(..., phylo = TRUE).


No return value. Function is used for its side effect, which is to add an axis of the geological timescale to an already existing plot.


William Gearty & Kilian Eichenseer


Lewis A. Jones


# track user par
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# single scale on bottom
par(mar = c(6.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)) # modify margin
plot(0:100, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(100, 0), ylim = c(100, 0),
     xlab = NA, ylab = "Depth (m)")
axis_geo(side = 1, intervals = "period")
# the line argument here depends on the absolute size of the plot
title(xlab = "Time (Ma)", line = 4)

# stack multiple scales, abbreviate only one set of labels
par(mar = c(7.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)) # further expand bottom margin
plot(0:100, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(100, 0), ylim = c(100, 0),
     xlab = NA, ylab = "Depth (m)")
axis_geo(side = 1, intervals = list("epoch", "period"),
    abbr = list(TRUE, FALSE))
# the line argument here depends on the absolute size of the plot
title(xlab = "Time (Ma)", line = 6)

# scale with MacroStrat intervals
par(mar = c(6.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)) # modify margin
plot(0:30, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(30, 0), ylim = c(30, 0),
     xlab = NA, ylab = "Depth (m)")
axis_geo(side = 1, intervals = "North American land mammal ages")
# the line argument here depends on the absolute size of the plot
title(xlab = "Time (Ma)", line = 4)

# scale with custom intervals
intervals <- data.frame(min_ma = c(0, 10, 25, 32),
                        max_ma = c(10, 25, 32, 40),
                        interval_name = c("A", "B", "C", "D"))
par(mar = c(6.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)) # modify margin
plot(0:40, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(40, 0), ylim = c(40, 0),
     xlab = NA, ylab = "Depth (m)")
axis_geo(side = 1, intervals = intervals)
# the line argument here depends on the absolute size of the plot
title(xlab = "Time (Ma)", line = 4)

# scale with phylogeny
title(xlab = "Time (Ma)", line = 4)

# scale with fossil phylogeny
title(xlab = "Time (Ma)", line = 4)

# reset user par

Assign fossil occurrences to latitudinal bins


A function to assign fossil occurrences to user-specified latitudinal bins.


bin_lat(occdf, bins, lat = "lat", boundary = FALSE)



dataframe. A dataframe of the fossil occurrences you wish to bin. This dataframe should contain a column with the latitudinal coordinates of occurrence data.


dataframe. A dataframe of the bins that you wish to allocate fossil occurrences to, such as that returned by lat_bins(). This dataframe must contain at least the following named columns: "bin", "max" and "min".


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the input latitude (e.g. "lat" or "p_lat"). This column should contain numerical values. Defaults to "lat".


logical. If TRUE, occurrences falling on the boundaries of latitudinal bins will be duplicated and assigned to both bins. If FALSE, occurrences will be binned into the upper bin only (i.e. highest row number).


A dataframe of the original input occdf with appended columns containing respective latitudinal bin information.


Lewis A. Jones


Sofia Galvan


# Load occurrence data
occdf <- tetrapods
# Generate latitudinal bins
bins <- lat_bins_degrees(size = 10)
# Bin data
occdf <- bin_lat(occdf = occdf, bins = bins, lat = "lat")

Assign fossil occurrences to spatial bins


A function to assign fossil occurrences (or localities) to spatial bins/samples using a hexagonal equal-area grid.


  lng = "lng",
  lat = "lat",
  spacing = 100,
  sub_grid = NULL,
  return = FALSE,
  plot = FALSE



dataframe. A dataframe of the fossil occurrences (or localities) you wish to bin. This dataframe should contain the decimal degree coordinates of your occurrences, and they should be of class numeric.


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the input longitude (e.g. "lng" or "p_lng").


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the input latitude (e.g. "lat" or "p_lat").


numeric. The desired spacing between the center of adjacent cells. This value should be provided in kilometres.


numeric. For an optional sub-grid, the desired spacing between the center of adjacent cells in the sub-grid. This value should be provided in kilometres. See details for information on sub-grid usage.


logical. Should the equal-area grid information and polygons be returned?


logical. Should the occupied cells of the equal-area grid be plotted?


This function assigns fossil occurrence data into equal-area grid cells using discrete hexagonal grids via the h3jsr package. This package relies on Uber's H3 library, a geospatial indexing system that partitions the world into hexagonal cells. In H3, 16 different resolutions are available (see here). In the implementation of the bin_space() function, the resolution is defined by the user-input spacing which represents the distance between the centroid of adjacent cells. Using this distance, the function identifies which resolution is most similar to the input spacing, and uses this resolution.

Additional functionality allows the user to simultaneously assign occurrence data to equal-area grid cells of a finer-scale grid (i.e. a ‘sub-grid’) within the primary grid via the sub_grid argument. This might be desirable for users to evaluate the differences in the amount of area occupied by occurrences within their primary grid cells. This functionality also allows the user to easily rarefy across sub-grid cells within primary cells to further standardise spatial sampling (see example for basic implementation).

Note: prior to implementation, coordinate reference system (CRS) for input data is defined as EPSG:4326 (World Geodetic System 1984). The user should transform their data accordingly if this is not appropriate. If you are unfamiliar with working with geographic data, we highly recommend checking out Geocomputation with R.


If the return argument is set to FALSE, a dataframe is returned of the original input occdf with cell information. If return is set to TRUE, a list is returned with both the input occdf and grid information and polygons.


Lewis A. Jones


Bethany Allen & Kilian Eichenseer


# Get internal data

# Reduce data for plotting
occdf <- reefs[1:250, ]

# Bin data using a hexagonal equal-area grid
ex1 <- bin_space(occdf = occdf, spacing = 500, plot = TRUE)

# Bin data using a hexagonal equal-area grid and sub-grid
ex2 <- bin_space(occdf = occdf, spacing = 1000, sub_grid = 250, plot = TRUE)

# EXAMPLE: rarefy
# Load data
occdf <- tetrapods[1:250, ]

# Assign to spatial bin
occdf <- bin_space(occdf = occdf, spacing = 1000, sub_grid = 250)

# Get unique bins
bins <- unique(occdf$cell_ID)

# n reps
n <- 10

# Rarefy data across sub-grid grid cells
# Returns a list with each element a bin with respective mean genus richness
df <- lapply(bins, function(x) {
  # subset occdf for respective grid cell
  tmp <- occdf[which(occdf$cell_ID == x), ]

  # Which sub-grid cells are there within this bin?
  sub_bin <- unique(tmp$cell_ID_sub)

  # Sample 1 sub-grid cell n times
  s <- sample(sub_bin, size = n, replace = TRUE)

  # Count the number of unique genera within each sub_grid cell for each rep
  counts <- sapply(s, function(i) {
    # Number of unique genera within each sample
    length(unique(tmp[which(tmp$cell_ID_sub == i), ]$genus))

  # Mean richness across subsamples

Assign fossil occurrences to time bins


A function to assign fossil occurrences to specified time bins based on different approaches commonly applied in palaeobiology.


  min_ma = "min_ma",
  max_ma = "max_ma",
  method = "mid",
  reps = 100,
  fun = dunif,



dataframe. A dataframe of the fossil occurrences you wish to bin. This dataframe should contain at least two columns with numeric values: maximum age of occurrence and minimum age of occurrence (see max_ma, min_ma). If required, numeric ages can be generated from interval names via the look_up() function.


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the minimum age for occdf and bins, e.g. "min_ma" (default).


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the maximum age for occdf and bins, e.g. "max_ma" (default).


dataframe. A dataframe of the bins that you wish to allocate fossil occurrences to such as that returned by time_bins(). This dataframe must contain at least the following named columns: "bin" and those specified to max_ma (default: "max_ma") and min_ma (default: "min_ma"). Columns max_ma and min_ma must be numeric values.


character. The method desired for binning fossil occurrences. Currently, five methods exist in this function: "mid", "majority", "all", "random", and "point". See Details for a description of each.


numeric. A non-negative numeric specifying the number of replications for sampling. This argument is only useful in the case of the "random" or "point" method being specified in the method argument. Defaults to 100.


function. A probability density function from the stats package such as dunif or dnorm. This argument is only useful if the "point" method is specified in the method argument.


Additional arguments available in the called function (fun). These arguments may be required for function arguments without default values, or if you wish to overwrite the default argument value (see example). x input values are generated internally based on the age range of the fossil occurrence and should not be manually provided. Note that x input values range between 0 and 1, and function arguments should therefore be scaled to be within these bounds.


Five approaches (methods) exist in the bin_time() function for assigning occurrences to time bins:

  • Midpoint: The "mid" method is the simplest approach and uses the midpoint of the fossil occurrence age range to bin the occurrence.

  • Majority: The "majority" method bins an occurrence into the bin which it most overlaps with. As part of this implementation, the majority percentage overlap of the occurrence is also calculated and returned as an additional column in occdf. If desired, these percentages can be used to further filter an occurrence dataset.

  • All: The "all" method bins an occurrence into every bin its age range covers. For occurrences with age ranges of more than one bin, the occurrence row is duplicated. Each occurrence is assigned an ID in the column occdf$id so that duplicates can be tracked. Additionally, occdf$n_bins records the number of bins each occurrence appears within.

  • Random: The "random" method randomly samples X amount of bins (with replacement) from the bins that the fossil occurrence age range covers with equal probability regardless of bin length. The reps argument determines the number of times the sample process is repeated. All replications are stored as individual elements within the returned list with an appended bin_assignment and bin_midpoint column to the original input occdf. If desired, users can easily bind this list using, x).

  • Point: The "point" method randomly samples X (reps) amount of point age estimates from the age range of the fossil occurrence. Sampling follows a user-input probability density function such as dnorm (see example 5). Users should also provide any additional arguments for the probability density function (see ...). However, x (vector of quantiles) values should not be provided as these values are input from the age range of each occurrence. These values range between 0 and 1, and therefore function arguments should be scaled to be within these bounds. The reps argument determines the number of times the sample process is repeated. All replications are stored as individual elements within the returned list with an appended bin_assignment and point_estimates column to the original input occdf. If desired, users can easily bind this list using, x).


For methods "mid", "majority" and "all", a dataframe of the original input occdf with the following appended columns is returned: occurrence id (id), number of bins that the occurrence age range covers (n_bins), bin assignment (bin_assignment), and bin midpoint (bin_midpoint). In the case of the "majority" method, an additional column of the majority percentage overlap (overlap_percentage) is also appended. For the "random" and "point" method, a list is returned (of length reps) with each element a copy of the occdf and appended columns (random: bin_assignment and bin_midpoint; point: bin_assignment and point_estimates).


Christopher D. Dean & Lewis A. Jones


William Gearty


#Grab internal tetrapod data
occdf <- tetrapods[1:100, ]
bins <- time_bins()

#Assign via midpoint age of fossil occurrence data
ex1 <- bin_time(occdf = occdf, bins = bins, method = "mid")

#Assign to all bins that age range covers
ex2 <- bin_time(occdf = occdf, bins = bins, method = "all")

#Assign via majority overlap based on fossil occurrence age range
ex3 <- bin_time(occdf = occdf, bins = bins, method = "majority")

#Assign randomly to overlapping bins based on fossil occurrence age range
ex4 <- bin_time(occdf = occdf, bins = bins, method = "random", reps = 5)

#Assign point estimates following a normal distribution
ex5 <- bin_time(occdf = occdf, bins = bins, method = "point", reps = 5,
                fun = dnorm, mean = 0.5, sd = 0.25)

Apply a function over grouping(s) of data


A function to apply palaeoverse functionality across subsets (groups) of data, delineated using one or more variables. Functions which receive a data.frame as input (e.g. nrow, ncol, lengths, unique) may also be used.


group_apply(occdf, group, fun, ...)



dataframe. A dataframe of fossil occurrences or taxa, as relevant to the desired function. This dataframe must contain the grouping variables and the necessary variables for the function you wish to call (see function-specific documentation for required columns).


character. A vector of column names, specifying the desired subgroups (e.g. "collection_no", "stage_bin"). Supplying more than one grouping variable will produce an output containing subgroups for each unique combination of values.


function. The function you wish to apply to occdf. See details for compatible functions.


Additional arguments available in the called function. These arguments may be required for function arguments without default values, or if you wish to overwrite the default argument value (see examples).


group_apply applies functions to subgroups of data within a supplied dataset, enabling the separate analysis of occurrences or taxa from different time intervals, spatial regions, or trait values. The function serves as a wrapper around palaeoverse functions. Other functions which can be applied to a data.frame (e.g. nrow, ncol, lengths, unique) may also be used.

All palaeoverse functions which require a dataframe input can be used in conjunction with the group_apply function. However, this is unnecessary for many functions (e.g. bin_time) as groups do not need to be partitioned before binning. This list provides users with palaeoverse functions that might be interesting to apply across group(s):

  • tax_unique: return the number of unique taxa per grouping variable.

  • tax_range_time: return the temporal range of taxa per grouping variable.

  • tax_range_space: return the geographic range of taxa per grouping variable.

  • tax_check: return potential spelling variations of the same taxon per grouping variable. Note: verbose needs to be set to FALSE.


A data.frame of the outputs from the selected function, with appended column(s) indicating the user-defined groups. If a single vector is returned via the called function, it will be transformed to a data.frame with the column name equal to the input function.


Lewis A. Jones & William Gearty


Kilian Eichenseer & Bethany Allen


# Examples
# Get tetrapods data
occdf <- tetrapods[1:100, ]
# Remove NA data
occdf <- subset(occdf, !
# Count number of occurrences from each country
ex1 <- group_apply(occdf = occdf, group = "cc", fun = nrow)
# Unique genera per collection with group_apply and input arguments
ex2 <- group_apply(occdf = occdf,
                     group = c("collection_no"),
                     fun = tax_unique,
                     genus = "genus",
                     family = "family",
                     order = "order",
                     class = "class",
                     resolution = "genus")
# Use multiple variables (number of occurrences per collection and formation)
ex3 <- group_apply(occdf = occdf,
                   group = c("collection_no", "formation"),
                   fun = nrow)
# Compute counts of occurrences per latitudinal bin
# Set up lat bins
bins <- lat_bins_degrees()
# bin occurrences
occdf <- bin_lat(occdf = occdf, bins = bins)
# Calculate number of occurrences per bin
ex4 <- group_apply(occdf = occdf, group = "lat_bin", fun = nrow)

Geological Timescale 2012


A dataframe of the Geological Timescale 2012. Age data from the International Commission on Stratigraphy. Supplementary information is also included in the dataset for plotting functionality (e.g. GTS2012 colour scheme).




A data frame with 186 rows and 9 variables:


Index number for the temporal order of all intervals present in the dataset.


Names of intervals in the dataset.


The temporal rank of intervals in the dataset.


The maximum age of the interval in millions of years before present.


The midpoint age of the interval in millions of years before present.


The minimum age of the interval in millions of years before present.


The duration of the interval in millions of years.


Colour of font to use for plotting in conjunction with the colour column.


Colours of stages based on the ICS timescale.


Standard abbreviations of interval names where appropiate.


Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Schmitz, M.D. and Ogg, G.M. eds. (2012). Geologic Timescale 2012. Elsevier.


Compiled by Lewis A. Jones (2022-07-02) from the ICS.

Geological Timescale 2020


A dataframe of the Geological Timescale 2020. Age data from the International Commission on Stratigraphy. Supplementary information is included in the dataset for plotting functionality (e.g. GTS2020 colour scheme).




A data frame with 189 rows and 9 variables:


Index number for the temporal order of all intervals present in the dataset.


Names of intervals in the dataset.


The temporal rank of intervals in the dataset.


The maximum age of the interval in millions of years before present.


The midpoint age of the interval in millions of years before present.


The minimum age of the interval in millions of years before present.


The duration of the interval in millions of years.


Colour of font to use for plotting in conjunction with the colour column.


Colours of stages based on the ICS timescale.


Standard abbreviations of interval names where appropiate.


Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Schmitz, M.D. and Ogg, G.M. eds. (2020). Geologic Timescale 2020. Elsevier.


Compiled by Lewis A. Jones (2022-07-02) from the ICS.

Example dataset: Interval key for the look_up function


A table of geological intervals and the earliest and latest corresponding international geological stages from the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). The table was compiled using regional stratigraphies, the GeoWhen Database, temporal information from the Paleobiology Database and the Geological Timescale 2022. Some assignments were made with incomplete information on the stratigraphic provenance of intervals. The assignments in this table should be verified before research use. They are provided here as an example of functionality only.




A data frame with 1323 rows and 3 variables:


Stratigraphic interval


Earliest (oldest) geological stage which overlaps with the interval


Latest (youngest) geological stage which overlaps with the interval


Compiled by Kilian Eichenseer and Lewis Jones for assigning geological stages to ccurrences from the Paleobiology Database and the PaleoReefs Database.

Generate equal-width latitudinal bins



lat_bins() was renamed to lat_bins_degrees() to be consistent with ⁠lat_bins_area().⁠


lat_bins(size = 10, min = -90, max = 90, fit = FALSE, plot = FALSE)



numeric. A single numeric value defining the width of the latitudinal bins. This value must be more than 0, and less than or equal to 90 (defaults to 10).


numeric. A single numeric value defining the lower limit of the latitudinal range (defaults to -90).


numeric. A single numeric value defining the upper limit of the latitudinal range (defaults to 90).


logical. Should bin size be checked to ensure that the entire latitudinal range is covered? If fit = TRUE, bin size is set to the nearest integer which is divisible by the user-input range. If fit = FALSE, and bin size is not divisible into the range, the upper part of the latitudinal range will be missing.


logical. Should a plot of the latitudinal bins be generated? If TRUE, a plot is generated. Defaults to FALSE.

Generate equal-area latitudinal bins


A function to generate approximately equal-area latitudinal bins for a user-specified number of bins and latitudinal range. This approach is based on calculating the curved surface area of spherical segments bounded by two parallel discs.


lat_bins_area(n = 12, min = -90, max = 90, r = 6371, plot = FALSE)



numeric. A single numeric value defining the number of equal-area latitudinal bins to split the latitudinal range into (as defined by min and max).


numeric. A single numeric value defining the lower limit of the latitudinal range (defaults to -90).


numeric. A single numeric value defining the upper limit of the latitudinal range (defaults to 90).


numeric. The radius of the Earth in kilometres. Defaults to the volumetric mean radius of the Earth (6371 km). Other user-specified r values are accepted (e.g. equatorial radius 6378 km).


logical. Should a plot of the latitudinal bins be generated? If TRUE, a plot is generated. Defaults to FALSE.


A data.frame of user-defined number of latitudinal bins. The data.frame contains the following columns: bin (bin number), min (minimum latitude of the bin), mid (midpoint latitude of the bin), max (maximum latitude of the bin), area (the area of the bin in km2), area_prop (the proportional area of the bin across all bins).


Lewis A. Jones & Kilian Eichenseer


Kilian Eichenseer & Bethany Allen

See Also

For bins with unequal area, but equal latitudinal range, see lat_bins_degrees.


# Generate 12 latitudinal bins
bins <- lat_bins_area(n = 12)
# Generate latitudinal bins for just the (sub-)tropics
bins <- lat_bins_area(n = 6, min = -30, max = 30)
# Generate latitudinal bins and a plot
bins <- lat_bins_area(n = 24, plot = TRUE)

Generate equal-width latitudinal bins


A function to generate latitudinal bins of a given size for a user-defined latitudinal range. If the desired size of the bins is not compatible with the defined latitudinal range, bin size can be updated to the nearest integer which is divisible into this range.


lat_bins_degrees(size = 10, min = -90, max = 90, fit = FALSE, plot = FALSE)



numeric. A single numeric value defining the width of the latitudinal bins. This value must be more than 0, and less than or equal to 90 (defaults to 10).


numeric. A single numeric value defining the lower limit of the latitudinal range (defaults to -90).


numeric. A single numeric value defining the upper limit of the latitudinal range (defaults to 90).


logical. Should bin size be checked to ensure that the entire latitudinal range is covered? If fit = TRUE, bin size is set to the nearest integer which is divisible by the user-input range. If fit = FALSE, and bin size is not divisible into the range, the upper part of the latitudinal range will be missing.


logical. Should a plot of the latitudinal bins be generated? If TRUE, a plot is generated. Defaults to FALSE.


A dataframe of latitudinal bins of user-defined size. The data.frame contains the following columns: bin (bin number), min (minimum latitude of the bin), mid (midpoint latitude of the bin), max (maximum latitude of the bin).


Lewis A. Jones


Bethany Allen

See Also

For equal-area latitudinal bins, see lat_bins_area.


# Generate 20 degrees latitudinal bins
bins <- lat_bins_degrees(size = 20)

# Generate latitudinal bins with closest fit to 13 degrees
bins <- lat_bins_degrees(size = 13, fit = TRUE)

# Generate latitudinal bins for defined latitudinal range
bins <- lat_bins_degrees(size = 10, min = -50, max = 50)

Look up geological intervals and assign geological stages


A function that uses interval names to assign either international geological stages and numeric ages from the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), or user-defined intervals, to fossil occurrences.


  early_interval = "early_interval",
  late_interval = "late_interval",
  int_key = FALSE,
  assign_with_GTS = "GTS2020",
  return_unassigned = FALSE



data.frame. A dataframe of fossil occurrences or other geological data, with columns of class character specifying the earliest and the latest possible interval associated with each occurrence.


character. Name of the column in occdf that contains the earliest interval from which the occurrences are from. Defaults to "early_interval".


character. Name of the column in occdf that contains the latest interval from which the occurrences are from. Defaults to "late_interval".


data.frame. A dataframe linking interval names to international geological stage names from the ICS, or other, user-defined intervals. This dataframe should contain the following named columns containing character values:

  • interval_name contains the names to be matched from occdf

  • early_stage contains the names of the earliest stages corresponding to the intervals

  • late_stage contains the latest stage corresponding to the intervals

Optionally, named numeric columns provide maximum and minimum ages for the intervals:

  • max_ma

  • min_ma

If set to FALSE (default), stages and numerical ages can be assigned based on one of the GTS tables (see below).


character or FALSE. Allows intervals to be searched in the GTS2020 (default) or the GTS2012 table. Set to FALSE to disable.


logical. Return interval names which could not be assigned, instead of the dataframe with assignments. Defaults to FALSE.


If int_key is set to FALSE (default), this function can be used to assign numerical ages solely based on stages from a GTS table, and to assign stages based on GTS interval names.

Instead of geological stages, the user can supply any names in the early_stage and late_stage column of int_key. assign_with_GTS should then be set to FALSE.

An exemplary int_key has been included within this package (interval_key). This key works well for assigning geological stages to many of the intervals from the Paleobiology Database and the PaleoReefs Database. palaeoverse cannot guarantee that all of the stage assignments with the exemplary key are accurate. The table corresponding to this key can be loaded with palaeoverse::interval_key.


A dataframe of the original input data with the following appended columns is returned: early_stage and late_stage, corresponding to the earliest and latest international geological stage which could be assigned to the occurrences based on the given interval names. interval_max_ma and interval_min_ma return maximum and minimum interval ages if provided in the interval key, or if they can be fetched from GTS2012 or GTS2020. A column interval_mid_ma is appended to provide the midpoint ages of the intervals.


Kilian Eichenseer & William Gearty


Lewis A. Jones & Christopher D. Dean


## Just use GTS2020 (default):
# create exemplary dataframe
taxdf <- data.frame(name = c("A", "B", "C"),
early_interval = c("Maastrichtian", "Campanian", "Sinemurian"),
late_interval = c("Maastrichtian", "Campanian", "Bartonian"))
# assign stages and numerical ages
taxdf <- look_up(taxdf)

## Use exemplary int_key
# Get internal reef data
occdf <- reefs
 # assign stages and numerical ages
occdf <- look_up(occdf,
                early_interval = "interval",
                late_interval = "interval",
                int_key = interval_key)

## Use exemplary int_key and return unassigned
# Get internal tetrapod data
occdf <- tetrapods
# assign stages and numerical ages
occdf <- look_up(occdf, int_key = palaeoverse::interval_key)
# return unassigned intervals
unassigned <- look_up(occdf, int_key = palaeoverse::interval_key,
                      return_unassigned = TRUE)

## Use own key and GTS2012:
# create example data
occdf <- data.frame(
  stage = c("any Permian", "first Permian stage",
            "any Permian", "Roadian"))
# create example key
interval_key <- data.frame(
  interval_name = c("any Permian", "first Permian stage"),
  early_stage = c("Asselian", "Asselian"),
  late_stage = c("Changhsingian", "Asselian"))
# assign stages and numerical ages:
occdf <- look_up(occdf,
                 early_interval = "stage", late_interval = "stage",
                 int_key = interval_key, assign_with_GTS = "GTS2012")

Palaeorotate fossil occurrences


A function to estimate palaeocoordinates for fossil occurrence data (i.e. reconstruct the geographic distribution of organisms' remains at time of deposition). Each occurrence is assigned palaeocoordinates based on its current geographic position and age estimate.


  lng = "lng",
  lat = "lat",
  age = "age",
  model = "MERDITH2021",
  method = "point",
  uncertainty = TRUE,
  round = 3



data.frame. Fossil occurrences to be palaeogeographically reconstructed. occdf should contain columns with longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates, as well as age estimates. The age of rotation should be supplied in millions of years before present.


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as longitude (defaults to "lng").


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as latitude (defaults to "lat").


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the age for rotation (defaults to "age").


character. The name(s) of the Global Plate Model(s) to be used to reconstruct palaeocoordinates. See details for available models.


character. Method used to calculate palaeocoordinates for fossil occurrences. Either "grid" to use reconstruction files, or "point" (default) to use the GPlates API service. See details section for specific details.


logical. Should the uncertainty in palaeogeographic reconstructions be returned? If set to TRUE (default), the palaeolatitudinal range and maximum geographic distance (in km) between output palaeocoordinates are calculated. This argument is only relevant if more than one Global Plate Model is specified in model.


numeric. Numeric value indicating the number of decimal places lng, lat and age should be rounded to. This functionality is only relevant for the "point" method. Rounding can speed up palaeorotation by reducing the number of unique coordinate pairs. Defaults to a value of 3. If no rounding is desired, set this value to NULL.


This function can estimate palaeocoordinates using two different approaches (method):

  • Reconstruction files: The "grid" method uses reconstruction files from Jones & Domeier (2024) to spatiotemporally link present-day geographic coordinates and age estimates with a discrete global grid rotated at one million-year time steps throughout the Phanerozoic (540–0 Ma). Here, resolution 3 (~119 km spacing) of the reconstruction files is used. All files, and the process used to generate them, are available and documented in Jones & Domeier (2024). If fine-scale spatial analyses are being conducted, use of the "point" method (see GPlates API below) may be preferred (particularly if occurrences are close to plate boundaries). When using the "grid" method, coordinates within the same grid cell will be assigned equivalent palaeocoordinates due to spatial aggregation. However, this approach enables efficient estimation of the past distribution of fossil occurrences. Note: each reconstruction file is ~45 MB in size.

  • GPlates API: The "point" method uses the GPlates Web Service to reconstruct palaeocoordinates for point data. The use of this method is slower than the "grid" method if many unique time intervals exist in your dataset. However, it provides palaeocoordinates with higher precision.

Available models and timespan for each method:

  • "MERDITH2021" (Merdith et al., 2021)

    • 0–1000 Ma (point)

    • 0–540 Ma (grid)

  • "TorsvikCocks2017" (Torsvik and Cocks, 2016)

    • 0–540 Ma (point/grid)

  • "PALEOMAP" (Scotese, 2016)

    • 0–1100 Ma (point)

    • 0–540 Ma (grid)

  • "MATTHEWS2016_pmag_ref" (Matthews et al., 2016)

    • 0–410 Ma (grid/point)

  • "GOLONKA" (Wright et al., 2013)

    • 0–540 Ma (grid/point)


A data.frame containing the original input occurrence data.frame and the reconstructed coordinates (i.e. "p_lng", "p_lat"). The "grid" method also returns the age of rotation ("rot_age") and the reference coordinates rotated ("rot_lng" and "rot_lat"). If only one model is requested, a column containing the rotation model used ("rot_model") is also appended. Otherwise, the name of each model is appended to the name of each column containing palaeocoordinates (e.g. "p_lng_GOLONKA"). If uncertainty is set to TRUE, the palaeolatitudinal range ("range_p_lat") and the maximum geographic distance ("max_dist") in km between palaeocoordinates will also be returned (the latter calculated via distGeo).


  • Jones, L.A., Domeier, M. A Phanerozoic gridded dataset for palaeogeographic reconstructions. Sci Data 11, 710 (2024). doi:10.1038/s41597-024-03468-w.

  • Matthews, K.J., Maloney, K.T., Zahirovic, S., Williams, S.E., Seton, M., and Müller, R.D. (2016). Global plate boundary evolution and kinematics since the late Paleozoic. Global and Planetary Change, 146, 226-250. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.10.002.

  • Merdith, A., Williams, S.E., Collins, A.S., Tetley, M.G., Mulder, J.A., Blades, M.L., Young, A., Armistead, S.E., Cannon, J., Zahirovic, S., Müller. R.D. (2021). Extending full-plate tectonic models into deep time: Linking the Neoproterozoic and the Phanerozoic. Earth-Science Reviews, 214(103477). doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103477.

  • Scotese, C., & Wright, N. M. (2018). PALEOMAP Paleodigital Elevation Models (PaleoDEMs) for the Phanerozoic. PALEOMAP Project.

  • Torsvik, T. H. & Cocks, L. R. M. Earth History and Palaeogeography. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

  • Wright, N., Zahirovic, S., Müller, R. D., & Seton, M. (2013). Towards community-driven paleogeographic reconstructions: integrating open-access paleogeographic and paleobiology data with plate tectonics. Biogeosciences, 10(3), 1529-1541. doi:10.5194/bg-10-1529-2013.

See GPlates documentation for additional information and details.


Lewis A. Jones


Kilian Eichenseer, Lucas Buffan & Will Gearty


## Not run: 
#Generic example with a few occurrences
occdf <- data.frame(lng = c(2, -103, -66),
                lat = c(46, 35, -7),
                age = c(88, 125, 200))

#Calculate palaeocoordinates using reconstruction files
ex1 <- palaeorotate(occdf = occdf, method = "grid")

#Calculate palaeocoordinates using the GPlates API
ex2 <- palaeorotate(occdf = occdf, method = "point")

#Calculate uncertainity in palaeocoordinates from models
ex3 <- palaeorotate(occdf = occdf,
                    method = "grid",
                    model = c("MERDITH2021",
                    uncertainty = TRUE)

#Now with some real fossil occurrence data!

#Grab some data from the Paleobiology Database

#Assign midpoint age of fossil occurrence data for reconstruction
tetrapods$age <- (tetrapods$max_ma + tetrapods$min_ma)/2

#Rotate the data
ex3 <- palaeorotate(occdf = tetrapods)

#Calculate uncertainity in palaeocoordinates from models
ex4 <- palaeorotate(occdf = tetrapods,
                    model = c("MERDITH2021",
                    uncertainty = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Check phylogeny tip names


A function to check the list of tip names in a phylogeny against a vector of taxon names, and if desired, to trim the phylogeny to only include taxon names within the vector.


phylo_check(tree = NULL, list = NULL, out = "full_table", sort = "presence")



phylo. A phylo object containing the phylogeny.


character. A vector of taxon names. Binomials can be separated with either a space or an underscore. The names should not contain any other punctuation.


character. Determine whether to return either a dataframe describing which taxa are included or not included in the tree ("full_table", the default), the same table but with taxa included in both the tree and the list removed ("diff_table"), the counts of taxa included and not included in the tree ("counts"), or the phylogeny trimmed to only include taxa in the provided list ("tree").


character. If out = "full_table" or out = "diff_table", sort the names by presence in the tree ("presence", the default), or alphabetically ("az").


Phylogenies can be read into R from .txt or .tree files containing the Newick formatted tree using ape::read.tree(), and can be saved as files using ape::write.tree(). When out = "tree", tips are trimmed using ape::drop.tip(); if your tree is not ultrametric (i.e. the tip dates are not all the same), we recommend using paleotree::fixRootTime() to readjust your branch lengths following pruning.


If out = "full_table", a dataframe describing whether taxon names are present in the list and/or the tree. If out = "diff_table", a dataframe describing which taxon names are present in the list or the tree, but not both. If out = "counts", a summary table containing the number of taxa in the list but not the tree, in the tree but not the list, and in both. If out = "tree", a phylo object consisting of the input phylogeny trimmed to only include the tips present in the list.


Bethany Allen


William Gearty & Pedro Godoy


# track user par
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#Read in example tree of ceratopsians from paleotree
#Set smaller margins for plotting
par(mar = rep(0.5, 4))

#Specify list of names
dinosaurs <- c("Nasutoceratops_titusi", "Diabloceratops_eatoni",
"Zuniceratops_christopheri", "Psittacosaurus_major",
"Psittacosaurus_sinensis", "Avaceratops_lammersi",
"Xenoceratops_foremostensis", "Leptoceratops_gracilis",
"Triceratops_horridus", "Triceratops_prorsus")

#Table of taxon names in list, tree or both
ex1 <- phylo_check(tree = ceratopsianTreeRaia, list = dinosaurs)

#Counts of taxa in list, tree or both
ex2 <- phylo_check(tree = ceratopsianTreeRaia, list = dinosaurs,
                   out = "counts")

#Trim tree to tips in the list
my_ceratopsians <- phylo_check(tree = ceratopsianTreeRaia, list = dinosaurs,
out = "tree")
# reset user par

Example dataset: Phanerozoic reefs from the PaleoReefs Database


A dataset of Phanerozoic reef occurrences from the PaleoReefs Database (PARED). This example dataset includes a subset of the available data from PARED, but can be used to demonstrate how the functions in the palaeoverse package might be applied.




A data frame with 4363 rows and 14 variables:


Reference number given to the particular fossil reef in PARED


Reference name given to the particular fossil reef in PARED


The geological formation to which the fossil reef belongs


The stratigraphic system to which the fossil reef belongs


The stratigraphic series to which the fossil reef belongs


The stratigraphic interval to which the fossil reef belongs


The main biota present within the fossil reef


The secondary biota present within the fossil reef


The modern-day longitude of the fossil reef


The modern-day latitude of the fossil reef


The country or ocean the fossil reef is located in


The authors of the publication documenting the fossil reef


The title of the publication documenting the fossil reef


The year of the publication documenting the fossil reef


Kiessling, W. & Krause, M. C. (2022). PaleoReefs Database (PARED) (1.0) Data set. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6037852


Compiled by Lewis A. Jones. Downloaded on the 25th July 2022. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6037852

Taxonomic spell check


A function to check for and count potential spelling variations of the same taxon. Spelling variations are checked within alphabetical groups (default), or within higher taxonomic groups if provided.


  name = "genus",
  group = NULL,
  dis = 0.05,
  start = 1,
  verbose = TRUE



data.frame. A dataframe with named columns containing taxon names (e.g. "species", "genus"). An optional column containing the groups (e.g. "family", "order") which taxon names belong to may also be provided (see group for details). NA values or empty strings in the name and group columns (i.e. "" and " ") are ignored.


character. The column name of the taxon names you wish to check (e.g. "genus").


character. The column name of the higher taxonomic assignments in taxdf you wish to group by. If NULL (default), name comparison will be conducted within alphabetical groups.


numeric. The dissimilarity threshold: a value greater than 0 (completely dissimilar), and less than 1 (completely similar). Potential synonyms above this threshold are not returned. This value is set to 0.05 by default, but the user might wish to experiment with this value for their specific data.


numeric. The number of shared characters at the beginning of potential synonyms that should match. Potential synonyms below this value will not be returned. By default this value is set to 1 (i.e. the first letter of synonyms must match).


logical. Should the results of the non-letter character check be reported to the user? If TRUE, the result will only be reported if such characters are detected in the taxon names.


When higher taxonomy is provided, but some entries are missing, comparisons will still be made within alphabetical groups of taxa which lack higher taxonomic affiliations. The function also performs a check for non-letter characters which are not expected to be present in correctly-formatted taxon names. This detection may be made available to the user via the verbose argument. Comparisons are performed using the Jaro dissimilarity metric via stringdist::stringdistmatrix().

As all string distance metrics rely on approximate string matching, different metrics can produce different results. This function uses Jaro distance as it was designed with short, typed strings in mind, but good practice should include comparisons using multiple metrics, and ultimately specific taxonomic vetting where possible. A more complete implementation and workflow for cleaning taxonomic occurrence data is available in the fossilbrush R package on CRAN.


If verbose = TRUE (default), a list with three elements. The first element in the list (synonyms) is a data.frame with each row reporting a pair of potential synonyms. The first column "group" contains the higher group in which they occur (alphabetical groupings if group is not provided). The second column "greater" contains the most common synonym in each pair. The third column "lesser" contains the least common synonym in each pair. The third and fourth column (count_greater, count_lesser) contain the respective counts of each synonym in a pair. If no matches were found for the filtering arguments, this element is NULL instead. The second element (non_letter_name) is a vector of taxon names which contain non-letter characters, or NULL if none were detected. The third element (non_letter_group) is a vector of taxon groups which contain non-letter characters, or NULL if none were detected. If verbose = FALSE, a data.frame as described above is returned, or NULL if no matches were found.


van der Loo, M. P. J. (2014). The stringdist package for approximate string matching. The R Journal 6, 111-122.


Joseph T. Flannery-Sutherland & Lewis A. Jones


Lewis A. Jones, Kilian Eichenseer & Christopher D. Dean


## Not run: 
# load occurrence data
# Check taxon names alphabetically
ex1 <- tax_check(taxdf = tetrapods, name = "genus", dis = 0.1)
# Check taxon names by group
ex2 <- tax_check(taxdf = tetrapods, name = "genus",
                 group = "family", dis = 0.1)

## End(Not run)

Generate pseudo-occurrences from latitudinal range data


A function to generate pseudo-occurrences for taxa based on latitudinal ranges (e.g. the output of the 'lat' method in tax_range_space). While the resulting pseudo-occurrences should not be treated as equivalent to actual occurrence data (e.g. like that from the Paleobiology Database), such pseudo-occurrences may be useful for performing statistical analyses where the row representing a taxon must be replicated for each latitudinal bin through which the taxon ranges.


tax_expand_lat(taxdf, bins, max_lat = "max_lat", min_lat = "min_lat")



dataframe. A dataframe of taxa (such as the output of the 'lat' method in tax_range_space) with columns containing latitudinal range data (maximum and minimum latitude). Column names are assumed to be "max_lat" and "min_lat", but may be updated via the max_lat and min_lat arguments. Each row should represent a unique taxon. Additional columns may be included (e.g. taxon names, additional taxonomy, etc) and will be included in the returned data.frame.


dataframe. A dataframe of the bins that you wish to allocate fossil occurrences to, such as that returned by lat_bins. This dataframe must contain at least the following named columns: "bin", "max" and "min".


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the maximum latitude of the latitudinal range (e.g. "max_lat").


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the minimum latitude of the latitudinal range (e.g. "min_lat").


A dataframe where each row represents a latitudinal bin which a taxon ranges through. The columns are identical to those in the user-supplied data with additional columns included to identify bins. Output will be returned in the order of supplied bins.


Lewis A. Jones & William Gearty


Christopher D. Dean


bins <- lat_bins_degrees()
taxdf <- data.frame(name = c("A", "B", "C"),
                    max_lat = c(60, 20, -10),
                    min_lat = c(20, -40, -60))
ex <- tax_expand_lat(taxdf = taxdf,
                     bins = bins,
                     max_lat = "max_lat",
                     min_lat = "min_lat")

Generate pseudo-occurrences from temporal range data


A function to generate interval-level pseudo-occurrences for taxa based on temporal ranges (e.g. the output of tax_range_time). While the resulting pseudo-occurrences should not be treated as equivalent to actual occurrence data (e.g. like that from the Paleobiology Database), such pseudo-occurrences may be useful for performing statistical analyses where the row representing a taxon must be replicated for each interval through which the taxon persisted.


  max_ma = "max_ma",
  min_ma = "min_ma",
  bins = NULL,
  scale = "GTS2020",
  rank = "stage",
  ext_orig = TRUE



dataframe. A dataframe of taxa (such as that produced by tax_range_time) with columns for the maximum and minimum ages (FADs and LADs). Each row should represent a unique taxon. Additional columns may be included (e.g. taxon names, additional taxonomy, etc) and will be included in the returned data.frame. If required, numeric ages can be generated from interval names via the look_up function.


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the maximum limit (FADs) of the age range (e.g. "max_ma").


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the minimum limit (LADs) of the age range (e.g. "min_ma").


dataframe. A dataframe of the bins that you wish to allocate pseudo-occurrences to such as that returned by time_bins(). This dataframe must contain at least the following named columns: "bin", "max_ma" and "min_ma". Columns "max_ma" and "min_ma" must be numeric values.


character. Specify the desired geological timescale to be used, either "GTS2020" or "GTS2012". Passed to time_bins() if bins is not specified.


character. Specify the desired stratigraphic rank. Choose from: "stage", "epoch", "period", "era", and "eon". Passed to time_bins() if bins is not specified.


logical. Should two additional columns be added to identify the intervals in which taxa originated and went extinct?


A dataframe where each row represents an interval during which a taxon in the original user-supplied data persisted. The columns are identical to those in the user-supplied data with additional columns included to identify the intervals. If ext_orig is TRUE, two additional columns are added to identify in which intervals taxa originated and went extinct.


William Gearty & Lewis A. Jones


Lewis A. Jones


taxdf <- data.frame(name = c("A", "B", "C"),
                    max_ma = c(150, 60, 30),
                    min_ma = c(110, 20, 0))
ex <- tax_expand_time(taxdf)

bins <- time_bins(scale = "GTS2012", rank = "stage")
ex2 <- tax_expand_time(taxdf, bins = bins)

Calculate the geographic range of fossil taxa


A function to calculate the geographic range of fossil taxa from occurrence data. The function can calculate geographic range in four ways: convex hull, latitudinal range, maximum Great Circle Distance, and the number of occupied equal-area hexagonal grid cells.


  name = "genus",
  lng = "lng",
  lat = "lat",
  method = "lat",
  spacing = 100,
  coords = FALSE



dataframe. A dataframe of fossil occurrences. This dataframe should contain at least three columns: names of taxa, longitude and latitude (see name, lng, and lat arguments).


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the input names (e.g. "species" or "genus"). NA data should be removed prior to function call.


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the input longitude (e.g. "lng" or "p_lng"). NA data should be removed prior to function call.


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the input latitude (e.g. "lat" or "p_lat"). NA data should be removed prior to function call.


character. How should geographic range be calculated for each taxon in occdf? Four options exist in this function: "con", "lat", "gcd", and "occ". See Details for a description of each.


numeric. The desired spacing (in km) between the center of adjacent grid cells. Only required if the method argument is set to "occ". The default is 100.


logical. Should the output coordinates be returned for the "con" and "gcd" method?


Four commonly applied approaches (Darroch et al. 2020) are available using the tax_range_space function for calculating ranges:

  • Convex hull: the "con" method calculates the geographic range of taxa using a convex hull for each taxon in occdf, and calculates the area of the convex hull (in km2) using geosphere::areaPolygon(). The convex hull method works by creating a polygon that encompasses all occurrence points of the taxon.

  • Latitudinal: the "lat" method calculates the palaeolatitudinal range of a taxon. It does so for each taxon in occdf by finding their maximum and minimum latitudinal occurrence (from input lat). The palaeolatitudinal range of each taxon is also calculated (i.e. the difference between the minimum and maximum latitude).

  • Maximum Great Circle Distance: the "gcd" method calculates the maximum Great Circle Distance between occurrences for each taxon in occdf. It does so using geosphere::distHaversine(). This function calculates Great Circle Distance using the Haversine method with the radius of the Earth set to the 6378.137 km. Great Circle Distance represents the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere. This is different from Euclidean Distance, which represents the distance between two points on a plane.

  • Occupied cells: the "occ" method calculates the number and proportion of occupied equal-area grid cells. It does so using discrete hexagonal grids via the h3jsr package. This package relies on Uber's H3 library, a geospatial indexing system that partitions the world into hexagonal cells. In H3, 16 different resolutions are available (see here). In the implementation of the tax_range_space() function, the resolution is defined by the user-input spacing which represents the distance between the centroid of adjacent cells. Using this distance, the function identifies which resolution is most similar to the input spacing, and uses this resolution.


A dataframe with method-specific columns:

  • For the "con" method, a dataframe with each unique taxa (taxon) and taxon ID (taxon_id) by convex hull coordinate (lng & lat) combination, and area (area) in km2 is returned.

  • For the "lat" method, a dataframe with unique taxa (taxon), taxon ID (taxon_id), maximum latitude of occurrence (max_lat), minimum latitude of occurrence (min_lat), and latitudinal range (range_lat) is returned.

  • For the "gcd" method, a dataframe with each unique taxa (taxon) and taxon ID (taxon_id) by coordinate combination (lng & lat) of the two most distant points, and the Great Circle Distance (gcd) between these points in km is returned.

  • For the "occ" method, a dataframe with unique taxa (taxon), taxon ID (taxon_id), the number of occupied cells (n_cells), proportion of occupied cells from all occupied by occurrences (proportional_occ), and the spacing between cells (spacing) in km is returned. Note: the number of occupied cells and proportion of occupied cells is highly dependent on the user-defined spacing. For the "con", "lat" and "gcd" method, values of zero indicate that the respective taxon is a singleton (i.e. represented by only one occurrence).


Darroch, S. A., Casey, M. M., Antell, G. S., Sweeney, A., & Saupe, E. E. (2020). High preservation potential of paleogeographic range size distributions in deep time. The American Naturalist, 196(4), 454-471.


Lewis A. Jones


Bethany Allen & Christopher D. Dean


# Grab internal data
occdf <- tetrapods[1:100, ]
# Remove NAs
occdf <- subset(occdf, !
# Convex hull
ex1 <- tax_range_space(occdf = occdf, name = "genus", method = "con")
# Latitudinal range
ex2 <- tax_range_space(occdf = occdf, name = "genus", method = "lat")
# Great Circle Distance
ex3 <- tax_range_space(occdf = occdf, name = "genus", method = "gcd")
# Occupied grid cells
ex4 <- tax_range_space(occdf = occdf, name = "genus",
                       method = "occ", spacing = 500)
# Convex hull with coordinates
ex5 <- tax_range_space(occdf = occdf, name = "genus", method = "con",
coords = TRUE)

Generate a stratigraphic section plot


A function to plot the stratigraphic ranges of fossil taxa from occurrence data.


  name = "genus",
  level = "bed",
  certainty = NULL,
  by = "FAD",
  plot_args = NULL,
  x_args = NULL,
  y_args = NULL



dataframe. A dataframe of fossil occurrences containing at least two columns: names of taxa, and their stratigraphic position (see name and level arguments).


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the input names, e.g. "genus" (default).


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the stratigraphic levels associated with each occurrence, e.g. "bed" (default) or "height". Stratigraphic levels must be numeric.


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the information on whether an identification is certain (1) or uncertain (0). By default (certainty = NULL), no column name is provided, and all occurrences are assumed to be certain. In the plot, certain occurrences will be plotted with a black circle and joined with solid lines, while uncertain occurrences will be plotted with a white circle and joined with dashed lines.


character. How should the output be sorted? Either: "FAD" (first appearance; default), "LAD" (last appearance), or "name" (alphabetically by taxon names).


A list of optional arguments that are passed directly to graphics::plot(). Subsets of these arguments are also passed to graphics::segments() and graphics::points() (see Details). Useful arguments include xlab (the x-axis label), ylab (the y-axis label, default is "Bed number"), main (the plot title), xlim (the x-axis limits), and ylim (the y-axis limits). The axes and type arguments are not supported and will be overridden.


A list of optional arguments that are passed directly to axis() when generating the x-axis. Useful arguments include font (e.g., 3 is italic) and las (label orientation). The side argument is not supported and will be overridden. If the at and labels arguments are not specified, the x-axis tick labels will be set to the taxon names.


A list of optional arguments that are passed directly to axis() when generating the y-axis. Useful arguments include font (e.g., 3 is italic) and las (label orientation). The side argument is not supported and will be overridden. If the at argument is not specified, it will be set to a vector of the unique values from the level column.


Note that the default spacing for the x-axis title may cause it to overlap with the x-axis tick labels. To avoid this, you can call graphics::title() after running tax_range_strat() and specify both xlab and line to add the x-axis title farther from the axis (see examples).

The styling of the points and line segments can be adjusted by supplying named arguments to plot_args. col (segment and point color), lwd (segment width), pch (point symbol), bg (background point color for some values of pch), lty (segment line type), and cex (point size) are supported. In the case of a column being supplied to the certainty argument, these arguments may be vectors of length two, in which case the first value of the vector will be used for the "certain" points and segments, and the second value of the vector will be used for the "uncertain" points and segments. If only a single value is supplied, it will be used for both. The default values for these arguments are as follows:

  • col = c("black", "black")

  • lwd = c(1.5, 1.5)

  • pch = c(19, 21)

  • bg = c("black", "white")

  • lty = c(1, 2)

  • cex = c(1, 1)


Invisibly returns a data.frame of the calculated taxonomic stratigraphic ranges.

The function is usually used for its side effect, which is to create a plot showing the stratigraphic ranges of taxa in a section, with levels at which the taxon was sampled indicated with a point.


Bethany Allen, William Gearty & Alexander Dunhill


William Gearty & Lewis A. Jones


# Load tetrapod dataset
# Sample tetrapod occurrences
tetrapod_names <- tetrapods$accepted_name[1:50]
# Simulate bed numbers
beds_sampled <- = 10, size = 50, replace = TRUE)
# Simulate certainty values
certainty_sampled <- sample(x = 0:1, size = 50, replace = TRUE)
# Combine into data frame
occdf <- data.frame(taxon = tetrapod_names,
                    bed = beds_sampled,
                    certainty = certainty_sampled)
# Plot stratigraphic ranges
par(mar = c(12, 5, 2, 2))
tax_range_strat(occdf, name = "taxon")
tax_range_strat(occdf, name = "taxon", certainty = "certainty",
                plot_args = list(ylab = "Stratigraphic height (m)"))
# Plot stratigraphic ranges with more labelling
tax_range_strat(occdf, name = "taxon", certainty = "certainty", by = "name",
                plot_args = list(main = "Section A",
                                 ylab = "Stratigraphic height (m)"))
eras_custom <- data.frame(name = c("Mesozoic", "Cenozoic"),
                          max_age = c(0.5, 3.5),
                          min_age = c(3.5, 10.5),
                          color = c("#67C5CA", "#F2F91D"))
axis_geo(side = 4, intervals = eras_custom, tick_labels = FALSE)
title(xlab = "Taxon", line = 10.5)

Calculate the temporal range of fossil taxa


A function to calculate the temporal range of fossil taxa from occurrence data.


  name = "genus",
  min_ma = "min_ma",
  max_ma = "max_ma",
  by = "FAD",
  plot = FALSE,
  plot_args = NULL,
  intervals = "periods"



dataframe. A dataframe of fossil occurrences containing at least three columns: names of taxa, minimum age and maximum age (see name, min_ma, and max_ma arguments). These ages should constrain the age range of the fossil occurrence and are assumed to be in millions of years before present.


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the input names, e.g. "genus" (default).


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the minimum limit of the age range, e.g. "min_ma" (default).


character. The name of the column you wish to be treated as the maximum limit of the age range, e.g. "max_ma" (default).


character. How should the output be sorted? Either: "FAD" (first-appearance date; default), "LAD" (last-appearance data), or "name" (alphabetically by taxon names).


logical. Should a plot of the ranges be generated?


list. A list of optional arguments relevant to plotting. See Details for options.


character. The time interval information used to plot the x-axis: either A) a character string indicating a rank of intervals from the built-in GTS2020, B) a character string indicating a data.frame hosted by Macrostrat (see time_bins), or C) a custom data.frame of time interval boundaries (see axis_geo Details). A list of strings or data.frames can be supplied to add multiple time scales to the same side of the plot (see axis_geo Details). Defaults to "periods".


The temporal range(s) of taxa are calculated by extracting all unique taxa (name column) from the input occdf, and checking their first and last appearance. The temporal duration of each taxon is also calculated. If the input data columns contain NAs, these must be removed prior to function call. A plot of the temporal range of each taxon is also returned if plot = TRUE. Customisable argument options (i.e. graphics::par()) to pass to plot_args as a list (and their defaults) for plotting include:

  • xlab = "Time (Ma)"

  • ylab = "Taxon ID"

  • col = "black"

  • bg = "black"

  • pch = 20

  • cex = 1

  • lty = 1

  • lwd = 1

Note: this function provides output based solely on the user input data. The true duration of a taxon is likely confounded by uncertainty in dating occurrences, and incomplete sampling and preservation.


A dataframe containing the following columns: unique taxa (taxon), taxon ID (taxon_id), first appearance of taxon (max_ma), last appearance of taxon (min_ma), duration of temporal range (range_myr), and number of occurrences per taxon (n_occ) is returned.


Lewis A. Jones


Bethany Allen, Christopher D. Dean & Kilian Eichenseer


# Grab internal data
occdf <- tetrapods
# Remove NAs
occdf <- subset(occdf, ! & order != "NO_ORDER_SPECIFIED")
# Temporal range
ex <- tax_range_time(occdf = occdf, name = "order", plot = TRUE)
# Customise appearance
ex <- tax_range_time(occdf = occdf, name = "order", plot = TRUE,
                     plot_args = list(ylab = "Orders",
                                      pch = 21, col = "black", bg = "blue",
                                      lty = 2),
                     intervals = list("periods", "eras"))

Filter occurrences to unique taxa


A function to filter a list of taxonomic occurrences to unique taxa of a predefined resolution. Occurrences identified to a coarser taxonomic resolution than the desired level are retained if they belong to a clade which is not otherwise represented in the dataset (see details section for further information). This has previously been described as "cryptic diversity" (e.g. Mannion et al. 2011).


  occdf = NULL,
  binomial = NULL,
  species = NULL,
  genus = NULL,
  name = NULL,
  resolution = "species",
  append = FALSE



dataframe. A dataframe containing information on the occurrences or taxa to filter.


character. The name of the column in occdf containing the genus and species names of the occurrences, either in the form "genus species" or "genus_species".


character. The name of the column in occdf containing the species-level identifications (i.e. the specific epithet).


character. The name of the column in occdf containing the genus-level identifications.


character. Other named arguments specifying columns of higher levels of taxonomy (e.g. subfamily, order, superclass). The names of the arguments will be the column names of the output, and the values of the arguments correspond to the columns of occdf. The given order of the arguments is the order in which they are filtered. Therefore, these arguments must be in ascending order from lowest to highest taxonomic rank (see examples below). At least one higher level of taxonomy must be specified.


character. The name of the column in occdf containing the taxonomic names at mixed taxonomic levels; the data column "accepted_name" in a Paleobiology Database occurrence dataframe is of this type.


character. The taxonomic resolution at which to identify unique occurrences, either "species" (the default) or "genus".


logical. Should the original dataframe be returned with the unique names appended as a new column?


Palaeobiologists usually count unique taxa by retaining only unique occurrences identified to a given taxonomic resolution, however this function retains occurrences identified to a coarser taxonomic resolution which are not already represented within the dataset. For example, consider the following set of occurrences:

  • Albertosaurus sarcophagus

  • Ankylosaurus sp.

  • Aves indet.

  • Ceratopsidae indet.

  • Hadrosauridae indet.

  • Ornithomimus sp.

  • Tyrannosaurus rex

A filter for species-level identifications would reduce the species richness to two. However, none of these clades are nested within one another, so each of the indeterminately identified occurrences represents at least one species not already represented in the dataset. This function is designed to deal with such taxonomic data, and would retain all seven 'species' in this example.

Taxonomic information is supplied within a dataframe, in which columns provide identifications at different taxonomic levels. Occurrence data can be filtered to retain either unique species, or unique genera. If a species-level filter is desired, the minimum input requires either (1) binomial, (2) species and genus, or (3) name and genus columns to be entered, as well as at least one column of a higher taxonomic level. In a standard Paleobiology Database occurrence dataframe, species names are only captured in the 'accepted_name' column, so a species-level filter should use 'genus = "genus"' and 'name = "accepted_name"' arguments. If a genus-level filter is desired, the minimum input requires either (1) binomial or (2) genus columns to be entered, as well as at least one column of a higher taxonomic level.

Missing data should be indicated with NAs, although the function can handle common labels such as "NO_FAMILY_SPECIFIED" within Paleobiology Database datasets.

The function matches taxonomic names at face value, so homonyms may be falsely filtered out.


A dataframe of taxa, with each row corresponding to a unique "species" or "genus" in the dataset (depending on the chosen resolution). The dataframe will include the taxonomic information provided into the function, as well as a column providing the 'unique' names of each taxon. If append is TRUE, the original dataframe (occdf) will be returned with these 'unique' names appended as a new column. Occurrences that are identified to a coarse taxonomic resolution and belong to a clade which is already represented within the dataset will have their 'unique' names listed as NA.


Mannion, P. D., Upchurch, P., Carrano, M. T., and Barrett, P. M. (2011). Testing the effect of the rock record on diversity: a multidisciplinary approach to elucidating the generic richness of sauropodomorph dinosaurs through time. Biological Reviews, 86, 157-181. doi:10.1111/j.1469-185X.2010.00139.x.


Bethany Allen & William Gearty


Lewis A. Jones & William Gearty


#Retain unique species
occdf <- tetrapods[1:100, ]
species <- tax_unique(occdf = occdf, genus = "genus", family = "family",
order = "order", class = "class", name = "accepted_name")

#Retain unique genera
genera <- tax_unique(occdf = occdf, genus = "genus", family = "family",
order = "order", class = "class", resolution = "genus")

#Append unique names to the original occurrences
genera_append <- tax_unique(occdf = occdf, genus = "genus", family = "family",
order = "order", class = "class", resolution = "genus", append = TRUE)

#Create dataframe from lists
occdf2 <- data.frame(species = c("rex", "aegyptiacus", NA), genus =
c("Tyrannosaurus", "Spinosaurus", NA), family = c("Tyrannosauridae",
"Spinosauridae", "Diplodocidae"))
dinosaur_species <- tax_unique(occdf = occdf2, species = "species", genus =
"genus", family = "family")

#Retain unique genera per collection with group_apply
genera <- group_apply(occdf = occdf,
                     group = c("collection_no"),
                     fun = tax_unique,
                     genus = "genus",
                     family = "family",
                     order = "order",
                     class = "class",
                     resolution = "genus")

Example dataset: Early tetrapod data from the Paleobiology Database


A dataset of tetrapod occurrences ranging from the Carboniferous through to the Early Triassic, from the Palaeobiology Database. Dataset includes a range of variables relevant to common palaeobiological analyses, relating to identification, geography, environmental context, traits and more. Additional information can be found here. The downloaded data is unaltered, with the exception of removing some superfluous variables, and can be used to demonstrate how the functions in the palaeoverse package might be applied.




A data frame with 5270 rows and 32 variables:


Reference number given to the particular occurrence in the Paleobiology Database


Reference number given to the Paleobiology Database collection (locality) that the occurrence belongs to


Taxon name as it appears in the original publication, which may include expressions of uncertainty (e.g. "cf.", "aff.", "?") or novelty (e.g. "n. gen.", "n. sp.")


The taxonomic rank, or resolution, of the identified name


Taxon name once the identified name has passed through the Paleobiology Database's internal taxonomy, which collapses synonyms, amends binomials which have been altered (e.g. species moving to another genus) and updates taxa which are no longer valid (e.g. nomina dubia)


The taxonomic rank, or resolution, of the accepted name


The oldest (or only) time interval within which the occurrence is thought to have been deposited


The youngest time interval within which the occurrence is thought to have been deposited

max_ma, min_ma

The age range given to the occurrence

phylum, class, order, family, genus

The taxa (of decreasing taxonomic level) which the occurrence is identified as belonging to

abund_value, abund_unit

The number (and units) of fossils attributed to the occurrence

lng, lat

The modern-day longitude and latitude of the fossil locality


The name of the Paleobiology Database collection which the occurrence belongs to, typically a spatio-temporally restricted locality


The country (code) where the fossils were discovered

formation, stratgroup, member

The geological units from which the fossils were collected


The biozone which the occurrence is attributed to


The main lithology of the beds in the section where the fossils were collected


The inferred environmental conditions in the place of deposition


The mode of preservation of the fossils found in the collection (not necessarily of that specific occurrence), which will include information on whether they are body or trace fossils


The environment within which the taxon is thought to have lived, collated within the Paleobiology Database

motility, life_habit, diet

Various types of trait data for the taxon, collated within the Paleobiology Database


Uhen MD et al. (2023). Paleobiology Database User Guide Version 1.0. PaleoBios, 40 (11). doi:10.5070/P9401160531.


Compiled by Bethany Allen, current version downloaded on 14th July 2022. See item descriptions for details.

Generate time bins


A function to generate time bins for a given study interval and geological timescale. This function is flexible in that either stage-level or higher stratigraphic-level (e.g. period) time bins can be called, valid timescales from Macrostrat can be used, or a data.frame of a geological timescale can be provided. In addition, near equal-length time bins can be generated by grouping intervals together. For example, for a target bin size of 10 Myr, the function will generate bins that have a mean bin length close to 10 Myr. Similarly, for a specified number of bins (n_bins), the function will generate this number of bins with with a bin duration as uniform as possible. However, users may also want to consider grouping stages based on other reasoning e.g. availability of outcrop (see Dean et al. 2020).


  interval = "Phanerozoic",
  rank = "stage",
  size = NULL,
  n_bins = NULL,
  assign = NULL,
  scale = "GTS2020",
  plot = FALSE



character or numeric. Interval name available in GTS2020 or GTS2012. If a single interval name is provided, this interval is returned. If two interval names are provided, these intervals and those existing between are returned. If a single numeric age is provided, the interval that covers this age is returned. If two numeric ages are provided, the intervals occurring in the range of these ages are returned. Defaults to "Phanerozoic". This argument is ignored if scale is not "GTS2020" or "GTS2012".


character. Which stratigraphic rank is desired? Choose from: "stage", "epoch", "period", "era", and "eon". This argument is ignored if scale is not "GTS2020" or "GTS2012".


numeric. If equal-length time bins are desired, specify the length in millions of years (Myr) of the time bins desired.


numeric. For equal-length time bins, a fixed number of time bins can be specified instead of a bin size. This argument will be ignored if size is specified.


numeric. A numeric vector of age estimates to use to assign to requested bins. If assign is specified, a numeric vector is returned of the midpoint age of the specified bins. Note this is the simplified approach of assignment in palaeoverse included for data with 'known' point-age estimates. For a wider range of binning methods, see palaeoverse::bin_time().


character or data.frame. Specify the desired geological timescale to be used: "GTS2020" (default), "GTS2012", a valid timescale from Macrostrat, or user-input data.frame. If a data.frame is provided, it must contain at least the following named columns: "interval_name", "max_ma", and "min_ma". As such, age data should be provided in Ma.


logical. Should a plot of time bins be generated?


This function uses either the Geological Time Scale 2020, Geological Time Scale 2012, a valid timescale from Macrostrat, or a user-input data.frame (see scale argument) to generate time bins. Note, timescales from Macrostrat tend to contain the most up-to-date information (e.g. the Geological Time Scale). Additional information on included Geological Time Scales and source can be accessed via:

Available interval names are accessible via the interval_name column in GTS2012 and GTS2020. Data of the Geological Timescale 2020 and 2012 were compiled by Lewis A. Jones (2022-07-02).


A data.frame of time bins for the specified intervals or a list with a data.frame of time bins and a named numeric vector (bin number) of binned age estimates (midpoint of specified bins) if assign is specified. By default, the time bins data.frame contains the following columns: bin, interval_name, rank, max_ma, mid_ma, min_ma, duration_myr, abbr (interval abbreviation), colour and font (colour). If size or n_bins is specified, the time bins data.frame contains the following columns: bin, max_ma, mid_ma, min_ma, duration_myr, grouping_rank, intervals, colour and font.


Dean, C.D., Chiarenza, A.A. and Maidment, S.C., 2020. Formation binning: a new method for increased temporal resolution in regional studies, applied to the Late Cretaceous dinosaur fossil record of North America. Palaeontology, 63(6), 881-901. doi:10.1111/pala.12492.


Lewis A. Jones & Kilian Eichenseer


Kilian Eichenseer & William Gearty


#Using numeric age
ex1 <- time_bins(interval = 10, plot = TRUE)

#Using numeric age range
ex2 <- time_bins(interval = c(50, 100), plot = TRUE)

#Using a single interval name
ex3 <- time_bins(interval = c("Maastrichtian"), plot = TRUE)

#Using a range of intervals and near-equal duration bins
ex4 <- time_bins(interval = c("Fortunian", "Meghalayan"),
                 size = 10, plot = TRUE)

#Assign bins based on given age estimates
ex5 <- time_bins(interval = c("Fortunian", "Meghalayan"),
                 assign = c(232, 167, 33))

#Use user-input data.frame to generate near-equal length bins
scale <- data.frame(interval_name = 1:5,
                    min_ma = c(0, 18, 32, 38, 45),
                    max_ma = c(18, 32, 38, 45, 53))
ex6 <- time_bins(scale = scale, size = 20, plot = TRUE)

#Use North American land mammal ages from Macrostrat and specify a desired
#number of bins
ex7 <- time_bins(scale = "North American land mammal ages", n_bins = 7)